Sunday, December 10, 2006

Nana's Tomato Salad

My grandmother used to make this recipe in the summer when tomatoes are abundant. Here in Italy we're still finding ripe, fresh tomatoes in the market so I'm still throwing this simple dish together. It's good on it's own with fresh, crusty bread to soak up the sauce. But I've found it's also good used as a salad dressing by splashing in a little bit of balsamic vinegar and then pouring it over lettuce.

2 or 3 ripe tomatoes, cored and chopped (or sliced if you prefer)
3-4 thin slices of onion
1 small clove of garlic, minced
salt and pepper
oregano, fresh or dried to taste
a bit of basil to taste
a drizzle of good quality extra virgin olive oil
Mix it all together and let sit at room temperture for about 20 minutes for the flavors to mingle and the juices to develop.

copryight 2006 Valerie Schneider